
Jiping Wang, MD, PhD
Dr. Wang graduated from Henan Medical University, and obtained PhD in Biostatistics from University of Pittsburgh. He served as a biostatistician at National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) upon his graduation. During the surgical residency training at State University of New York at Buffalo, he was appointed as assistant professor at Department of Biostatistics. Subsequently, Dr. Wang obtained Fineberg Fellowship training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Dr. Wang’s research has received many awards including: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting Merit Award (2008, 2010), ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium Merit Award (2007), Seed Grant from American Medical Association (2008) and AstraZeneca Scholar (2002). Dr. Wang served as the committee member for American College of Surgeon and Society for Surgery of Alimentary Tract.
Dr. Wang graduated from Henan Medical University with top 1% of his class in 1991. He finished his training in anesthesiology and practiced anaesthesia and critical care in China before he came to the US. Dr. Wang obtained a M.Sc. and PhD. in biostatistics from University of Pittsburgh, and worked as a Biostatistician at NSABP before he became a surgical resident at SUNY Buffalo, where he graduated with the honour of “The best resident”. During his fellowship training at MGH, BWH and DFCI, he focused his clinical interest on upper gastrointestinal surgery. As the part of the fellowship training, he visited Beijing Union Hospital, Zhongshan Hospital in Shanghai and Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong to enrich the experience in liver and gastric surgery. Since 40-50% of these two type of cancers worldwide are in China, this gave him a unique opportunity to master the surgical skills and perioperative management of those diseases. He started the minimal invasive gastric cancer program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and developed minimal invasive gastric cancer surgery teaching material upon returning to the US. In addition, as the international committee member of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), he assisted Dr. Klar, the committee chair to organized online education series: How I do it: Gastric Cancer and How I do it: Pancreatic Disease. The unique education background and training experience made him a unique surgical oncologist in the comprehensive care for surgical patients.